Sponsorship Opportunities

Why Should You Be Our Partner?

Our Boston Qualifier marathon presents your brand the ideal opportunity to be front and center and engage with the most active members of the Rio Grande Valley’s community plus many participants who will be joining us from Mexico and other parts of the United States. Students of all ages, running enthusiasts, people looking to improve their physical wellness plus their supporters will be joining us for one of the most significant fitness and health events of South Texas! 




  • Exclusive rights as the Title Sponsor of the South Texas International Marathon
  • Offer the first right of refusal of the Title Sponsorship for a three-year period.
  • Logo and mention on digital and traditional advertising media channels. (e.g., Facebook, Facebook Live mentions, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, email blasts, TV, radio & press releases)
  • Prominent recognition in print materials as the Title Sponsor which include posters and event banners.
  • Logo on event t-shirts, bib and medal lanyard.
  • Banner placement in key areas. (Provided by sponsor)
  • Prominent display of sponsor logo at the start and finish lines.
  • Banner placement at the Health and Fitness Expo on Friday & Saturday, December 1st & 2nd. (Provided by sponsor)
  • Two booths at the Health and Fitness Expo and Finishers’ Celebration. (20’ x 20’ booth space)
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s home page (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Water Station volunteer opportunity on marathon route.
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  • Exclusive rights as the Official Sponsor of the South Texas International Marathon.
  • Prominent recognition in print materials which include posters and event banners.
  • Recognition as Official Sponsor on all press releases and STIM’s digital/social media channels.
  • Logo on event t-shirts.
  • Prominent display of sponsor logo at the start and finish lines.
  • One booth at the Health and Fitness Expo and Finishers’ Celebration. (10’ x 10’ booth space)
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s home page (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Five entries to 5K Run on Saturday and 5 marathon entries or 1 relay team on Sunday
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  • Exclusive rights as the Official Sponsor of the Kids 26.2 Yard Dash & 5K Event.
  • Prominent recognition in print materials as the 5K Sponsor which include posters and event banners.
  • Recognition as Kids 26.2 Yard Dash & 5K Sponsor on all press releases and STIM’s digital/social media channels.
  • Logo on all event t-shirts.
  • Prominent display of sponsor logo at the start line.
  • One booth at the Health and Fitness Expo and Finishers’ Celebration. (10’ x 10’ booth space)
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s home page. (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Three entries to 5K Run on Saturday and 1 marathon entry or 1 relay team on Sunday
Sponsor Now


  • Logo on event t-shirts.
  • Prominent display of sponsor logo at the start line.
  • One booth at the Health and Fitness Expo and Finishers’ Celebration. (10’ x 10’ booth space)
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s home page. (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Three entries to 5K Run on Saturday and 1 marathon entry or 1 relay team on Sunday.
Sponsor Now


  • Recognition in print materials which include posters and event banners and on STIM’s digital/social media channels.
  • Logo on event t-shirts.
  • One booth at the Health and Fitness Expo (10’ x 10’ booth space)
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s sponsor page. (www.STIMarathon.com).
Sponsor Now


  • Recognition on STIM’s digital/social media channels.
  • Logo on event t-shirts.
  • One booth at the Health and Fitness Expo (10’ x 10’ booth space)
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s sponsor page. (www.STIMarathon.com).
Sponsor Now


  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s sponsor page. (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Recognition on STIM’s digital/social media channels.
Sponsor Now

Water Station PARTNER

  • Opportunity to distribute water and electrolyte drink to participants along the course.
  • Name recognition on signage displayed at the Start and Finish lines.
  • Opportunity to display corporate banner at water station. (Provided by sponsor)
  • Limited to (3) tables
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website’s home page. (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Electrolyte gels, roll of trash bags and paper cups will be provided.
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Expo Booth PARTNER

$300 Fri & Sat / $400 Fri, Sat & Sun
  • Opportunity to showcase or distribute information about products and services to race participants at Health and Fitness Expo and Finishers’ Celebration.
  • Opportunity to collect business leads & emails.
  • Name recognition on the official marathon website (www.STIMarathon.com).
  • Limited to (3) tables
  • 10’ x 10’ booth space, includes table
Sponsor Now

In-Kind donations of food, advertisement and other materials will be valued as a retail dollar contribution. Your contribution will be listed at the closest sponsorship level.



In-Kind donations of food, advertisement and other materials will be valued as a retail dollar contribution. Your contribution will be listed at the closest sponsorship level.


Health & Fitness Expo: Mercedes FEMA Dome, Mercedes, Tx.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday (TIMES TBD)
December 8, 2024

All participants will receive a race T-shirt and medal. Awards will be given to the top overall male and female finishers in their division.

Certified 26.2 Mile Marathon, 

2 Person & 5 Person Relays

Start Time: 7AM  Donna Main Square Park
Sunday    December 8, 2024

 Details: This Boston Marathon Qualifier course takes runners through 5 historic cities and 2 counties of the Rio Grande Valley. Cash awards are given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall male and female finishers. Runners must be at least 16 years of age on race day to participate in this event. 

2 Person Relay Marathon will run the same route as the marathoners. The exchange will be at 13.1 miles. 

5 Person Relay Marathon will run the same route and will have exchanges in every city.

All participants receive a race shirt and a finisher medal.

Finishers’ Celebration 

Start Time: 12:00 PM

The race will finish with a bang at the Mercedes FEMA Dome. Family and friends will enjoy FREE live music and great food by local vendors. Awards will be given to the overall finishers in all races. 

*All times are subject to change.


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